Introduction to Hong Kong Innovative Users Group

Libraries in Hong Kong have a fine tradition of cooperation and knowledge sharing. Founded in 1996, the Hong Kong Innovative Users Group (HKIUG) is among the most successful examples of these collaborative efforts. When it was first established, the aim of the Group was to liaise among local academic libraries to resolve mutual problems, and to seek common practices in using the INNOPAC (now Innovative Millennium) library system. Over the years, the HKIUG has been enriched by additional members from government and special libraries. Now, the Group also serves as a discussion forum for important library development issues, such as Unicode implementation, metadata standards, union catalogue, reciprocal borrowing, linking and access to electronic resources, wireless applications, etc. As of February 2012, the HKIUG has 19 members from Hong Kong and Macau.

Member Libraries
Date Implemented INNOPAC
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) December 1990
Lingnan University (LU) November 1993
The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) November 1994
Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) December 1994
The Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd) June 1995
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) July 1995
Hospital Authority (HA) March 1996
The University of Hong Kong (HKU) June 1996
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPU) August 1997
City University of Hong Kong (CityU) October 1997
Hong Kong Trade Development Council (TDC) August 1998
Hong Kong Legislative Council (LEGCO) April 1999
Judiciary Library (Judiciary) June 2002
University of Macau (UMAC) February 2004
Hong Kong Shue Yan University (HKSYU) August 2004
The College of Professional and Continuing Education, PolyU (CPCE-PolyU) June 2007
Vocational Training Council (VTC) July 2007
Department of Justice (DoJ) June 2010

Representatives from member libraries form the Standing Committee that runs HKIUG. The Committee holds group quarterly meetings to discuss issues and practices related to the INNOPAC/Millennium library system.

2015 - 2016 HKIUG Standing Committee:

HKIUG Representatives
Mr. Wilson CHU (Chair) Vocational Training Council ( VTC)
Mr. Wayne LAM (Secretary) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPU)
Ms. Linda LEE Joint University Librarians Advisory Committee (JULAC)
Mr. Jeff LIU The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
Mr. Edward SO City University of Hong Kong (CityU)
Ms. Winnie Lam The College of Professional and Continuing Education, PolyU (CPCE-PolyU)
Ms. Alice CHU Department of Justice(DoJ)
Mr. Howard WONG The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA)
Mr. Yiu On LI Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU)
Mr. Kevin HAU The Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd)
Mr. Alexander WONG Hong Kong Legislative Council (LEGCO)
Ms. Angela CHAN Hong Kong Trade Development Council (TDC)
Mr. Andrew WONG The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
Ms. Michelle SIU Hospital Authority (HA)
Mr. Thomas WONG Judiciary Library (Judiciary)
Mr. Joe CHOW Lingnan University (LU)
Mr. Paul CHUI Hong Kong Shue Yan University (HKSYU)
Ms. Eunice CHAN The University of Hong Kong (HKU)
Mr. Stephen LEI University of Macau (UMAC)

Chairs and Secretaries of the HKIUG Standing Committees 1996-2015:

Year Chair Secretary
1996-1997 Mr. Tommy YEUNG (LU) Ms. Edith WU (CUHK)
1997-1998 Mr. Tommy YEUNG (LU) Ms. Edith WU (CUHK)
1998-1999 Mr. David PALMER (HKU) Ms. Camilla CHANG (HKPU)
1999-2000 Mr. M.K. WONG (HKUST) Mr. Edward SO (CityU)
2000-2001 Mr. Owen TAM (LU) Mr. Kent LI (CUHK)
2001-2002 Ms. Camilla CHANG (HKPU) Mr. Yiu On LI (HKBU)
2002-2003 Mr. Edward SO (CityU) Ms. Martha DE KOCK (HKIEd)
2003-2004 Ms. Ha-lin CHIU (CUHK) Mr. David PALMER (HKU)
2004-2005 Mr. Yiu On LI (HKBU) Mr. Ki Tat LAM (UST)
2005-2006 Mr. Ivan CHAN (HKIEd) Ms. Iris SIN (LU)
2006-2007 Mr. David PALMER (HKU) Ms. Camilla CHANG (HKPU)
2007-2008 Mr. Ki Tat LAM (HKUST) Mr. Philip Wong (CityU)
2008-2009 Mr. Owen TAM / Ms. Iris SIN (LU) Mr. Ivan CHAN (CUHK)
2009-2010 Ms. Camilla CHANG (HKPU) Mr. Yiu On LI (HKBU)
2010-2011 Mr. Edward SO (CityU) Mr. Griffin CHENG (HKIEd)
2011-2012 Mr. Ivan CHAN (CUHK) Mr. Cyrus FONG (HKSYU)
2012-2013 Mr. Yiu On LI (HKBU) Mr. Allen LAM (HKU)
2013-2014 Dr. Francis CHAN (HKIEd) Mr. Kevin HAU (HKUST)
2014-2015 Mr. Paul CHUI (HKSYU) Mr. Owen Tam (LU)


Annual Meetings of HKIUG:

Since 2000, the Hong Kong Innovative Users Group has held annual meetings to promote knowledge sharing and professional networking among member libraries. The key objectives of the annual meetings are:
  1. to provide library professionals in our region an opportunity to present the innovative projects and applications which they have developed for improving library services; and
  2. to provide a forum for librarians to share knowledge, best practices, concerns and views on the future directions of library automation and digital libraries

The meetings are usually held in late November or early December and consist of a two-day program of presentations by local and overseas libraries, and staff of Innovative Interfaces, Inc. The meetings also feature panel discussion sessions and exhibits from major library and information service vendors.

As the most important annual event in Hong Kong on innovation, technology and libraries, the HKIUG Annual Meetings draw an enthusiastic response. Each year, nearly 300 local and overseas library professionals attend the Meeting, including colleagues from Millennium user libraries in Mainland China, Macau, Taiwan, Japan, Korea and parts of South East Asia.


Publications / Presentation about HKIUG:


Terms of reference for the HK(JULAC)IUG:
(11 Oct 1996) 
1.To liaise among members to resolve mutual problems and to seek common practice; 
2.To make recommendations to JULAC and Innovative Interfaces Inc.; 
3.To enhance communication with other local and overseas Innopac sites and users groups.

Last revised on 7 Jan 2013